Richard Hengist Horne

Standard Name: Horne, Richard Hengist
Used Form: R. H. Horne
Used Form: Richard Henry Horne


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Anthologization Robert Browning
Richard Hengist Horne published A New Spirit of the Age, with contributions from a number of authors including Elizabeth Barrett and RB (who had yet to meet).
Browning, Robert, and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. “Editorial Materials”. The Brownings’ Correspondence, edited by Philip Kelley et al., Wedgestone Press, 1984–2024, p. Various pages.
8: xii
Forster, Margaret. Elizabeth Barrett Browning: A Biography. Grafton, 1990.
Irvine, William, and Park Honan. The Book, the Ring, and the Poet: A Biography of Robert Browning. McGraw-Hill, 1974.
Friends, Associates Isabella Neil Harwood
The position of her father as a journal editor put INH in contact with several well-known authors of the time. She attended a party with her parents at the house of Dr Westland Marston ...
Friends, Associates Mary Howitt
Visitors who stayed with the Howitts at The Elms included Hans Christian Andersen , Tennyson , Elizabeth Gaskell , and Eliza Meteyard , who wrote as Silver Pen. Their circle also included Charles Dickens
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Barrett Browning
EBB 's disembodied participation in literary and artistic society expanded as she established often voluminous correspondences with Harriet Martineau , Richard Hengist Horne , painter Benjamin Robert Haydon , and American literati such as James Russell Lowell
Literary responses Elizabeth Barrett Browning
H. N. Coleridge in his survey of Modern English Poetesses in the Quarterly Review in 1840 ranked EBB second of nine (after Caroline Norton ) and offered some sharp criticism as well as admiration. This...
Literary responses Catherine Gore
Advance publicity seems to have misfired, for the play opened to an almost empty theatre.
Gore, Catherine. “Introduction”. Gore on Stage: The Plays of Catherine Gore, edited by John Franceschina, Garland, 1999, pp. 1-34.
The critics were equally damning, not apparently because of the somewhat preposterous melodrama of the plot, but from disapproval...
Literary responses Catherine Gore
CG , identified during her lifetime with satire on the upper classes, was depicted by P. G. Patmore in Chatsworth; or, The Romance of a Week, 1844, Lady Bab Brilliant, who publicly lashed...
Publishing Charlotte Brontë
She started with Henry Colburn . After Anne and Emily had arranged with Newby for publication of their first novels, she approached a seventh publisher, Smith, Elder, and Co. .
The firm was the publisher...
Reception Mary Howitt
The assessment of her literary contribution has been negatively impacted by the fact that she published much work in periodicals and wrote much for children and the working classes. Her collaboration with her husband was...
Textual Production Elizabeth Barrett Browning
This poem both expressed and helped further to fuel the indignation felt by the educated public over the revelation of children's working conditions in the Reports to Parliament of the Children's Employment Commission . (One...
Textual Production Elizabeth Barrett Browning
EBB 's letters to Horne were the only ones of which Robert Browning authorised publication during his lifetime.
Karlin, Daniel. “Letters ’Alive and Quivering’: Scholarly Approaches to the Brownings’ Correspondence”. Victorian Studies, Vol.
, No. 3, 1 Mar.–31 May 1999, pp. 489-96.
Textual Production Mary Howitt
The museum at Odense in Denmark, birthplace of Hans Christian Andersen , holds some MH material. A copy of R. H. Horne 's A New Spirit of the Age in Harvard University Library has...
Textual Production Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Samuel Ralph Towshend Mayer edited Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning , addressed to Richard Hengist Horne , with Comments on Contemporaries.
Athenæum. J. Lection.
2567 (1877): 9
Textual Production Elizabeth Barrett Browning
There followed, also in the Athenæum, a review of Wordsworth 's poems in August 1842. As well as these, EBB provided both critical contributions on Carlyle and Tennyson , and material gleaned from her...


By 24 June 1843: Richard Henry Horne (sometimes called Richard...

Writing climate item

By 24 June 1843

Richard Henry Horne (sometimes called Richard Hengist Horne) published Orion, an allegorical epic poem.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2024, 22 vols. plus supplements.
Athenæum. J. Lection.
817 (1843): 583
Drabble, Margaret, editor. The Oxford Companion to English Literature. 5th ed., Oxford University Press, 1985.


Horne, Richard Hengist, editor. A New Spirit of the Age. Smith, Elder, 1844, 2 vols.
Horne, Richard Hengist. Australian Facts and Prospects. Smith, Elder, 1859.
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, and Richard Hengist Horne. Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, addressed to Richard Hengist Horne. Editor Mayer, S. R. Townshend, R. Bentley, 1877, 2 vols.
Horne, Richard Hengist. Orion. J. Miller, 1843.