Sir John Reeves Ellerman

Standard Name: Ellerman, Sir John Reeves,, 1862 - 1933


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships H. D.
Bryher, the illegitimate daughter of wealthy shipping magnate Sir John Ellerman , had developed an interest in HD after reading her poetry, and wrote to her requesting a meeting. She had obtained HD's address from...
Family and Intimate relationships Bryher
Bryher wrote of both her parents in The Heart to Artemis, but her account of her father's early life is far more detailed than her mother's. Sir John Reeves Ellerman was an industrialist born...
Leisure and Society Bryher
Publishing between 1914 and 1920, Bryher wrote through a range of names, from Annie Winifred Ellerman , through A. W. Ellerman, Winifred Bryher, and W. Bryher, to, finally, Bryher.
Collecott, Diana. H.D. and Sapphic Modernism, 1910-1950. Cambridge University Press, 1999, http://Rutherford HSS.
Publishing Bryher
Bryher began writing reviews and articles for the Sphere (which was owned by her father, John Reeves Ellerman ) and the Saturday Review.
Contemporary Authors. Gale Research, 1962–2025, Numerous volumes.
Marek, Jayne E. Women Editing Modernism: "Little" Magazines & Literary History. University Press of Kentucky, 1995.
Reception Bryher
In The Heart to Artemis, Bryher describes the collection as incredibly bad verses,
Bryher,. The Heart to Artemis: A Writer’s Memoirs. Collins, 1963.
the publication of which was enabled by her wealthy father 's connections. She recalls discovering Mallarmé days before the volume's...


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