Steele maintained a long relationship with Eneas Sweetland Dallas
, an author and journalist with the Times. While both of them were married (Dallas to actor Isabella Glynn), he was said to have been...
Literary responses
George Eliot
John Morley
, anonymously in the Saturday Review, noted that [o]ne of the puzzles, which runs pathetically through Felix Holt as through Romola and the The Mill on the Floss, is the evil...
Literary responses
Elizabeth Gaskell
The Athenæum and others were positive about Gaskell's biography, although an anonymous review by E. S. Dallas
in Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine suggested that the biographer had completely misread Emily Brontë
's reserve as evidence of...
Literary responses
George Eliot
, who wrote that if the book was not a hit I will never more trust my judgement in such matters,
Eliot, George. The George Eliot Letters. Editor Haight, Gordon S., Yale University Press, 1954–1978, 9 vols.
3: 10
was vindicated when printing after printing was called for (15,000 copies...
Literary responses
George Eliot
On the whole reviewers were enthusiastic (E. S. Dallas
began his notice in the Times, George Eliot is as great as ever
qtd. in
Carroll, David, editor. George Eliot: The Critical Heritage. Barnes and Noble, 1971.
), but the ending of The Mill on the Floss...
Literary responses
George Eliot
Reviewers, including E. S. Dallas
and Richard Holt Hutton
, were highly complimentary; many saw this as GE
's best work to date.
Ashton, Rosemary. George Eliot: A Life. Hamish Hamilton, 1996.
Anna Steele
BirthName: Anna Caroline Wood
Nickname: Nan
was known by this familiar name by (at least) Eneas Sweetland Dallas