Women’s Writing in the British Isles from the Beginnings to the Present
Mrs F. C. Patrick
Standard Name: Patrick, Mrs F. C.
Married Name: Mrs F. C. Patrick
Mrs. F. C. Patrick appears to have been an Irishwoman living in England. She published three novels—each unusual in itself and markedly different from the other two—in three successive years during the 1790s.
This is pure fun, heralded by the note below the cast-list: The Scene to take place wherever one pleases, provided the Costumes are pretty enough. There is only one female character: Sylvette, whom the cast-list...
Performance of text
Julia Constance Fletcher
JCF's (George Fleming's) second London play, The Canary, opened at the Prince of Wales Theatre
with Mrs Patrick Campbell
as female lead playing opposite Gerald Du Maurier
Cornwallis-West, Beatrice Stella. My Life and Some Letters. The Ryerson Press, 1922.
McVea, Deborah, and Jeremy Treglown. “The Times Literary Supplement and its Contributors”. TLS Centenary Archive.
Textual Features
Christina Rossetti
Critics have noted the extent to which CR
, without excusing Eve for her disobedience, mitigates her guilt and represents her with a degree of sympathy that both counters contemporary portrayals, and anticipates later work...
Fredeman, William E., and Ira Bruce Nadel, editors. Dictionary of Literary Biography 35. Gale Research, 1985.
35: 77
Babington and his associates were executed with great cruelty on 18-19...
Textual Production
Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna
This book is often ascribed (for instance in 2014 in OCLC WorldCat) to Mrs F. C. Patrick
(who also published as an officer's wife or widow). But in 1845 it was included in a...
Textual Production
Mary Anne Schimmelpenninck
describes several very early writing projects. When her mother gave her a writing-case which locked, to ensure privacy, she spent hours in pouring out the effusions of my own bitter heart,
Schimmelpenninck, Mary Anne. Life of Mary Anne Schimmelpenninck. Editor Hankin, Christiana C., Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, and Roberts, 1858, 2 vols.
1: 314
No timeline events available.
Patrick, Mrs F. C. More Ghosts!. William Lane, 1798, 3 vols.
Patrick, Mrs F. C. The Irish Heiress. William Lane, 1797, 3 vols.
Patrick, Mrs F. C. The Jesuit. R. Cruttwell, 1799, 3 vols.