On her fifteenth birthday AW
dedicated a scrapbook of mementoes, including her own poems and stories, to those who have inspired me most: her mother
, father
, sister Ruth
, an uncle and several teachers.
Byrd, Rudolph P., editor. The World Has Changed: Conversations with Alice Walker. The New Press, 2010.
Family and Intimate relationships
Alice Walker
's sister Ruth Walker Hood
died on 27 December 2008 after years of illness. The two had been on good terms for most of their lives, but then for a while estranged; Walker was...
Family and Intimate relationships
Alice Walker
Her other sister, Annie Ruth
, became a keen follower of Alice's career.
Alice Walker
In UgandaAW
became pregnant by David DeMoss
. Since his visit was unexpected (he was spending the summer in Tanzania) she was not using birth-control. She was determined to get an abortion (not an...
Textual Production
Alice Walker
The germ of this novel lay in a story told to AW
by her sister Ruth
, probably in 1973, of how their step-grandmother, Rachel Walker
, begged her husband
's mistress, Shug Perry