Michael Davitt

Standard Name: Davitt, Michael


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates May Laffan
In Ireland, ML 's acquaintances included the prominent nationalists William O'Brien , John Dillon , and Michael Davitt .
Kahn, Helena Kelleher. Late Nineteenth-Century Ireland’s Political and Religious Controversies in the Fiction of May Laffan Hartley. ELT, 2005.
Occupation Katharine Tynan
One of her activities as a member of the League was to visit Irish political prisoners at Kilmainham Jail (now in Dublin). She went to see Irish nationalist Charles Parnell on one such visit...
politics Charlotte Grace O'Brien
CGOB 's existing involvement in Irish politics became stronger and more focussed in 1880, a year of steeply increased emigration from Ireland. She was a supporter of Parnell , with an interest in Nationalist politics...
Textual Features Edna Lyall
This novel supports the cause of Home Rule by elicit[ing] the sympathy of the reader in favour of the down-trodden and much oppressed and persecuted Irishman.
Payne, George A. "Edna Lyall:" an Appreciation. John Heywood.
Doreen O'Ryan is twelve when the reader first...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text May Laffan
Other topics touched on here are the prison experience of her nationalist friend Michael Davitt , her own experiences on the Executive Committee of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children , and...


12 September 1882: Charles Stewart Parnell, Michael Davitt,...

National or international item

12 September 1882

Charles Stewart Parnell , Michael Davitt , and John Dillon transformed the Irish Land League (now an illegal organization) into a new National League intended to further Irish nationalist political agendas.
Morton, Grenfell. Home Rule and the Irish Question. Longman, 1980.

7 October 1899: The Transvaal Committee was founded by Irish...

National or international item

7 October 1899

The Transvaal Committee was founded by Irish nationalists in support of the Boers.
Ward, Margaret. Unmanageable Revolutionaries: Women and Irish Nationalism. Pluto, 1983.


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