Chris Power

Standard Name: Power, Chris


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary responses Margaret Atwood
Happy Endings in this volume, which features alternative endings, was picked by Chris Power in early 2019 as one of fifty great short stories.
“Bite-sized: 50 great short stories, chosen by Hilary Mantel, George Saunders and more”., 2 Feb. 2019.
Literary responses Mavis Gallant
In 2019 Chris Power picked In the Tunnel (collected in The End of the World, 1974) for a highly selective listing of great short stories: its charge, he wrote, arises from a combination of...
Literary responses Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Recent critical interpretations of The Yellow Wall-Paper have focused on its ambiguities, and acknowledged its stylistic and political significance. A note from 2004 in Mslexia, a British magazine for aspiring writers, called it a...
Literary responses Nadine Gordimer
The title story, like several other works by women, was one of Chris Power 's selections for a list of great short stories in 2019.
“Bite-sized: 50 great short stories, chosen by Hilary Mantel, George Saunders and more”., 2 Feb. 2019.
Literary responses Anna Kavan
British Book News discerned in this collection a rare talent for evoking the terrors which may lurk outside the frontiers of everyday life.
British Book News. British Council.
(1958): 347
In 2019 Chris Power picked the title story among others...
Literary responses Flannery O'Connor
In early 2019 British writer Rupert Thomson wrote: Flannery O'Connor has been a kind of literary godmother to me. I'm continually drawn back to books such as The Violent Bear It Away. Her wise...
Reception Angela Carter
In early 2019 Chris Power picked The Company of Wolves as one of the best of short stories.
“Bite-sized: 50 great short stories, chosen by Hilary Mantel, George Saunders and more”., 2 Feb. 2019.
This followed a memory from Sarah Waters of her first reading of The Bloody Chamber at seventeen:...


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