Brigit Patmore

Standard Name: Patmore, Brigit


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships H. D.
A distinguishing characteristic of the Aldington marriage was their belief in free love. Each party engaged in extra-marital affairs with the other's full knowledge: HD with Cecil Gray , and Richard Aldington with Flo Fallas
Family and Intimate relationships H. D.
The couple had been estranged since 1918, and separated since April 1919. The idea of divorce had first been mentioned in 1927, when Aldington hoped to marry Brigit Patmore , but had been quickly dropped...
Friends, Associates H. D.
After her move to England, Ezra Pound introduced HD to his circle of friends, many of whom were important figures in the modernist movement. They included W. B. Yeats , T. S. Eliot ,...
Friends, Associates Violet Hunt
Those who publicly testified that the relationship between Hunt and Ford had every outward appearance of a marriage included Brigit Patmore , wife of Coventry Patmore 's grandson).
Belford, Barbara. Violet. Simon and Schuster, 1990.
Publishing Dora Marsden
Plans were afoot to relaunch The Freewoman shortly after it collapsed in its first form. When Marsden retreated to Southport for health reasons, Rebecca West acted as liaison between her and supporters in the Freewoman Discussion Circle


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