Jeanne Becu comtesse Du Barry

Standard Name: Du Barry, Jeanne Becu,,, comtesse
Used Form: Jeanne Becu, comtesse Du Barri
Used Form: Jeanne Rancon, Madame DuBarry


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary Setting Catherine Gore
Any relation to Jonathan Swift 's A Tale of a Tub is indirect and inexplicit. The tub in this case is the working tool of Jeannette, stocking-mender, launderer, and cousin of du Barry (who herself...
Performance of text Christopher St John
CSJ 's play Du Barri (whose protagonist was well known as a mistress to Louis XV ) was first performed at the Savoy Theatre , London.
Nicoll, Allardyce. English Drama, 1900-1930. Cambridge University Press, 1973.
Textual Features Hélène Barcynska
The eponymous heroine of The Activities (officially named Lavinia but always called Lavie) is an American railroad heiress, whose father arranges for her to be introduced into English high society by Lady Loamington, who badly...
Textual Production Dorothy Richardson
During the later phase of her career, DR translated about five monographs from German and French into English; these texts were published between 1932 and 1934. They include The Dubarry [sic], a biography of...
Textual Production Catherine Gore
CG continued her mining of the pre-revolutionary French period in her next play, A Tale of a Tub, in which a central figure is the royal mistress Madame Du Barry .
Gore, Catherine. “Introduction”. Gore on Stage: The Plays of Catherine Gore, edited by John Franceschina, Garland, 1999, pp. 1-34.
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Grace Elliott
GE concentrates on her Revolution experiences; the rest of her life-story remains untold. Her work bears the marks of its birth as oral history. She presents the French Revolution in black and white moral terms...


30 May 1771: A letter to the Gazetteer attributed all...

Building item

30 May 1771

A letter to the Gazetteer attributed all the faults of French absolutist government to the influence of madame Du Barry (1746-93, mistress to the former monarch Louis XV) and to Marie Antoinette .
Clark, Anna. “The Chevalier d’Eon and Wilkes: Masculinity and Politics in the Eighteenth Century”. Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vol.
, No. 1, 1998, pp. 19-48.
Bozman, Ernest Franklin, editor. Everyman’s Encyclopaedia. 4th Edition, J. M. Dent, 1958, 12 vols.
under Du Barry


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