First translated into English in Signs in autumn 1981, it was assigned to the final position (in Alice Jardine
's and Harry Blake
's version) in The Feminist Reader: Essays in Gender and the Politics...
Literary responses
George Eliot
As one of the few canonized women writers of the nineteenth century, she has been of great interest to feminist critics, in part because in the words of Elizabeth Langland
, they became cathected to...
Literary responses
Sarah Stickney Ellis
was viewed with ambivalence by a later generation of critics who sought to reclaim women's literature. Sandra Gilbert
and Susan Gubar
, for example, read Ellis as a willing captive in a separate sphere...
Literary responses
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Canonization of The Yellow Wall-Paper began in the early 1970s, within the context of second-wave feminism, and the edition issued by the Feminist Press
in 1973. Feminist readings became the first to make the connection...
The poem is extensively discussed by Sandra M. Gilbert
and Susan Gubar
in The Madwoman in the Attic (1979) as a study in self-alienation. They argue that although the speaker remains a voiceless prisoner of...
Fleur Adcock
She appeared with six other poets in Portfolio no. 3 from London's Steam Press
in 1979 (an actual portfolio of separate leaves, published in fifty signed and numbered copies, in a black cover with illustrations...
Ruth Pitter
During her lifetime RP
was deeply appreciated by some readers. C. S. Lewis
scatters through his letters such remarks as Whenever I re-read your poems, I blame myself for not re-reading them oftener.
King, Don W. “The Anatomy of a Friendship: the correspondence of Ruth Pitter and C. S. Lewis, 1946-1962: Mythlore, Summer 2003”. Findarticles.