Henry Buxton Forman
praised MBS
's poetry in his 1871 book of criticism on living poets. Classing her alongside Tennyson
and Jean Ingelow
in the Idyllic School, he nevertheless singled out her gift for...
Literary responses
Christina Rossetti
's critical reputation stood very high from the appearance of Goblin Market, although she was not a popular poet. H. Buxton Forman
in Our Living Poets, 1871, got her middle name wrong...
Literary responses
Menella Bute Smedley
Critic Henry Buxton Forman
praised the former's delicate touch
Forman, Harry Buxton. Our Living Poets: An Essay in Criticism. Tinsley Brothers, 1871.
in its treatment of the Cambridge student's choice between a political career and religious calling.
Mary Shelley
In 1876 H. Buxton Forman
edited and privately printed a poem by MS
entitled The Choice: a Poem on Shelley
's Death. This was reprinted several times in the 1970s.
She did not show the poems to Browning
until July of 1849; he persuaded her to include them in her next edition of Poems, saying I dared not reserve to myself, the finest sonnets...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text
Mary Augusta Ward
Perhaps the most interesting is her review (March 1884) of Harry Buxton Forman
's recent edition of Keats
. Ward argues that the letters to Fanny Brawne
ought not to have been made public. (She...
No timeline events available.
Keats, John. “Introduction”. The Poetical Works of John Keats, edited by Harry Buxton Forman, Oxford University Press, 1921, p. ix - lxxxii.
Forman, Harry Buxton. Our Living Poets: An Essay in Criticism. Tinsley Brothers, 1871.
Keats, John. The Poetical Works and other Writings of John Keats. Editor Forman, Harry Buxton, Reeves and Turner, 1883, 4 vols.
Keats, John, and Harry Buxton Forman. The Poetical Works of John Keats. Oxford University Press, 1921.