Caroline Franklin

Standard Name: Franklin, Caroline


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Literary responses Lady Caroline Lamb
William Lamb worried intensely about the probable reception of Ada Reis, particularly the scenes in hell, and he tried to enlist William Gifford of the Quarterly as an ally in pressuring Caroline to tone...
Publishing Elizabeth Montagu
Work on a complete, scholarly, online edition of EM ' letters is under way, with a steering committee composed of Caroline Franklin , Elizabeth Eger , Nicole Pohl , and Michael J. Franklin . The...
Publishing Charlotte Lennox
Published in four volumes (her longest) by Cadell , it had been written some years previously. The section where the heroine's son is carried off by Indians was reprinted as The Lost Son, An Affecting...
Publishing Harriet Martineau
Before the end of the year that saw the first volume in print, Mary Russell Mitford had heard (though it was probably an exaggeration) that HM had made more than £1,000 from those little eighteen-penny...


No timeline events available.


Perkins, Pamela. “Anne Grant and the Professionalization of Privacy”. Authorship, Commerce and the Public: Scenes of Writing, 1750-1850, edited by Emma Clery et al., Palgrave Macmillan, 2002, pp. 29-43.
Franklin, Caroline. “Keynote Talk”. Physical Archives in the Digital Age, Chawton House Library.