Elizabeth Turner (formerly EG
) died. On 5 March her husband
preached a funeral sermon on her which he then published as Sacred Friendship: exemplified in the case of Elijah and Elisha .
Turner, Daniel, 1746 - 1796. Sacred Friendship: Exemplified in the Case of Elijah and Elisha. A Sermon, preached March the 5th. on the death of Mrs. Eliza Turner. G. G. J. and J. Robinson, 1786.
Family and Intimate relationships
Elizabeth Gilding
married the Rev. Daniel Turner (1746-96)
, a dissenting minister, who came from Lowestoft in Suffolk, but now lived, as she did, at Woolwich.
Pitcher, Edward W. Woman’s Wit. Edwin Mellen Press, 2002.
Elizabeth Gilding
The European Magazine printed the first of its half-dozen poems by Eliza, that is Elizabeth Turner, formerly EG
(apparently sent in by her husband
). Next month came Soliloquy and Un Jeu D'Esprit. On...
Elizabeth Gilding
The Westminster Magazine carried a poem by Elizabeth Turner (formerly EG
): Eliza to Fidelio
[who often signs F. for Fidelio, as he had apparently done since his youth] Written in the early Days of...
Textual Features
Elizabeth Gilding
Late in the volume the longest poem she had ever attempted, Diana, comes with 4-page prefatory Remarks by Daniel Turner
(F.): he says he wrote this classic of humble deference at her...
Textual Production
Elizabeth Gilding
Her husband
appended the texts of several of her religious poems (some already published) to his funeral sermon on her, Sacred Friendship: Exemplified in the ase of Elijah and Elisha , 1786. He there explained...
Textual Production
Elizabeth Gilding
Her title-page quotes Thomson
on the young mind fed by the light of truth, and Virgil
on being made a poet. The book cost half a crown and was sold by the author herself at...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text
Elizabeth Gilding
This volume collects poems written over a period of nearly twenty years, covering devotion (some hymns; praise of sermons by Turner
as her local Dissenting minister), politics (a fable attacking Lord Bute
), social satire...
No timeline events available.
Turner, Daniel, 1746 - 1796. Sacred Friendship: Exemplified in the Case of Elijah and Elisha. A Sermon, preached March the 5th. on the death of Mrs. Eliza Turner. G. G. J. and J. Robinson, 1786.