Margaret Baroness Thatcher

Standard Name: Thatcher, Margaret,,, Baroness
Used Form: Margaret Thatcher


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Characters Caryl Churchill
The play explores women's quest for success in patriarchal society, and the expense at which this success is achieved, particularly in relation to motherhood. It has been considered as a kind of answer to Nell Dunn
Family and Intimate relationships Ali Smith
Don Smith was born in about 1924 and grew up in Newark, Nottinghamshire, where he came from a long line of psychics (he himself claimed to have woken up to see the ghost of...
Friends, Associates Nina Bawden
NB was a contemporary at Somerville of the future Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher , with whom she had a political argument (which she felt that she lost). She was very briefly a friend of actor...
Literary Setting Zadie Smith
The book's epigraph from Shakespeare 's The Tempest (What's past is prologue)
qtd. in
Smith, Zadie. White Teeth. Penguin, 2001.
provokes the narrator's question, how far back do you want? How far will do?
Smith, Zadie. White Teeth. Penguin, 2001.
What's past in this book...
Material Conditions of Writing Judith Kazantzis
According to her later explanation, the dropping of poetry was a direct result of the policies of the Margaret Thatcher era: the result was that plans for a third volume of JK 's work from...
Material Conditions of Writing Hilary Mantel
HM collected a volume of nine stories, all published already and dating as far back as 1993, called The Assassination of Margaret Thatcher. The title piece, begun years before, was completed when Mantel, in...
Material Conditions of Writing Sarah Daniels
SD later observed that during the 1980s, her debut decade, the stage was becoming a harsher environment as the wave of radicalism ebbed and conditions worsened. Margaret Thatcher (who became Prime Minister on 4 May...
Occupation Marghanita Laski
ML served as Vice-Chairman of the Arts Council for these four years, during the premiership of Margaret Thatcher .
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
“The Times Digital Archive 1785-2007”. Thompson Gale: The Times Digital Archive.
(25 February 1982): 11
Performance of text Ali Smith
At Inverness High School, as AS recalls, a flourishing and creative environment allowed her to explore writing through poetry and plays. Her first play, Peanuts (Unsalted), a characteristically political piece concerning Margaret Baroness Thatcher Thatcherism and...
Performance of text Ali Smith
Early among these works by Smith was Stalemate (1986), her first Fringe feature, a take off of Thatcherism performed by a company of undergraduate women called Trouble and Strife.
qtd. in
Murray, Isobel, editor. “Ali Smith”. Scottish Writers Talking 3, John Donald, 2006, pp. 186-29.
Trouble and strife traditionally...
politics Mary Wesley
Late in life MW was violently opposed to Thatcher ite conservatism.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Her political involvements were idiosyncratic and partisan. Her charity work for Prisoners of Conscience gave her a recurrent desire to strangle the Home Secretary...
politics Gillian Allnutt
In the ten houses which comprised Richmond Avenue Housing (off the Caledonian Road) GA and the other members of the co-op lived as squatters and then as short-life tenants under the Greater London Council
politics Carol Ann Duffy
CAD is a socialist and a feminist. She nevertheless describes herself as less political than most of her relations (except, perforce, during the Margaret Thatcher years), as if her energy had gone into poetry instead...
politics Harold Pinter
Pinter voted Tory in May 1979 (when Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister) in reaction against trade union intransigence (which had threatened a play he was directing at the National Theatre ), and SDP in June...
politics Antonia Fraser
In December 1978 AF voted Conservative, knowing little about Margaret Thatcher but excited by the idea of a woman becoming Prime Minister for the first time. She later regretted it. In the 1980s she and...


November 1955: At a time when economic orthodoxy was by...

Building item

November 1955

At a time when economic orthodoxy was by consensus Keynes ian, a deed of trust was signed for setting up the Institute of Economic Affairs , the UK's original free-market think-tank.
“About the IEA”. IEA (Institute of Economic Affairs).
Clarke, Peter. “Knights’ Moves”. London Review of Books, 17 Mar. 2005, pp. 11-14.
“About the IEA”. IEA (Institute of Economic Affairs).

8 October 1959: In the general election the Conservatives...

National or international item

8 October 1959

In the general election the Conservatives under Harold Macmillan increased their majority. Margaret Thatcher (who had first stood for the safe Labour seat of Dartford in 1950) was elected Conservative member of parliament for Finchley...

1960: The Public Bodies (Admission of the Press...

National or international item


The Public Bodies (Admission of the Press to Meetings) Act took a large step towards open government in Britain.
Porter, Bernard. “Boarder or Day Boy?”. London Review of Books, 15 July 1999, pp. 13-15.

1967: Margaret Thatcher, Conservative Member of...

National or international item


Margaret Thatcher , Conservative Member of Parliament for Finchley, was appointed to the Shadow Cabinet .
Colley, Linda. “Little Havens of Intimacy”. London Review of Books, 7 Sept. 2000, pp. 8-9.

16 July 1967: The first Legalize Pot Rally was held in...

Building item

16 July 1967

The first Legalize Pot Rally was held in Hyde Park, London, under the auspices of an organization called Soma , often written as SOMA.
Greer, Germaine. The Madwoman’s Underclothes. Picador, 1987.
Abrams, Steve. “Hashish Fudge. The Times Advertisement and the Wootton Report”. Drug War Chronicle: Schaffer Library of Drug Policy, 7 Apr. 1993.

30 June 1970: Margaret Thatcher, soon after taking office...

Building item

30 June 1970

Margaret Thatcher , soon after taking office as Minister of Education (Conservative), gave Local Education Authorities freedom to halt or reverse progress towards comprehensive schools.
Simon, Brian. The State and Educational Change: Essays in the History of Education and Pedagogy. Lawrence and Wishart, 1994.

By 14 October 1971: Mary Whitehouse, general secretary of the...

Building item

By 14 October 1971

Mary Whitehouse , general secretary of the National Viewers' and Listeners' Association , published Who Does She Think She Is?
“The Times Digital Archive 1785-2007”. Thompson Gale: The Times Digital Archive.
(14 October 1971): 12
“The Times Digital Archive 1785-2007”. Thompson Gale: The Times Digital Archive.
(4 March 1971): 4
“The Times Digital Archive 1785-2007”. Thompson Gale: The Times Digital Archive.
(30 June 1971): 2

4 May 1979: The day after the Conservatives' victory...

National or international item

4 May 1979

The day after the Conservatives' victory in the general election, Margaret Thatcher (leader of the Conservative party since 1975) became the first woman Prime Minister of Britain; her government succeeded to the Labour administration of...

3 October 1980: The Housing Act passed by Margaret Thatcher's...

Building item

3 October 1980

The Housing Act passed by Margaret Thatcher 's recently-elected Conservative government came into effect, giving five million council house tenants in England and Wales the right to buy their homes from local authorities
Childs, Peter, and Mike Storry, editors. Encyclopedia of Contemporary British Culture. Routledge, 1999.

10 October 1980: Margaret Thatcher, at her second Conservative...

National or international item

10 October 1980

Margaret Thatcher , at her second Conservative Party Conference as Prime Minister, facing the threat of revolt within her party and her Cabinet, delivered a strong speech which proved a turning-point.
Thatcher, Margaret, Baroness. The lady’s not for turning. Guardian News and Media, 2007.

1981: Government funding of British universities...

Building item


Government funding of British universities was savagely reduced by Margaret Thatcher 's Conservative government: a roughly 11% cut across the board rose to 20% at several institutions.
Collini, Stefan. “HiEdBiz”. London Review of Books, 6 Nov. 2003, pp. 3-9.

March 1981: Activist Darcus Howe led about 10,000 people...

Building item

March 1981

Activist Darcus Howe led about 10,000 people in a protest march to 10 Downing Street (London headquarters of of the Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher ) to protest about alleged racism both of criminals and of...

Summer 1981: In this bad season for Northern Ireland,...

National or international item

Summer 1981

In this bad season for Northern Ireland, the perceived intransigence of Margaret Thatcher 's British government helped the IRA to increase its support.
Gearty, Conor. “An Escalation of Reasonableness”. London Review of Books, 6 Sept. 2001, pp. 18-21.

9 June 1983: Michael Foot, leader of the Labour Party,...

National or international item

9 June 1983

Michael Foot , leader of the Labour Party , signally failed in the general election to shake the reign of Tory Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher . He was soon afterwards replaced as party leader by...

1984: Prominent designer Katherine Hamnett caused...

Building item


Prominent designer Katherine Hamnett caused deliberate political offence by wearing a T-shirt sporting an anti-nuclear slogan for meeting with Margaret Thatcher .
“Women’s History Timeline”. BBC: Radio 4: Woman’s Hour.


Jenkins, Simon, and Margaret, Baroness Thatcher. “Foreword”. The lady’s not for turning, Guardian News and Media, 2007, pp. 5-6.
Thatcher, Margaret, Baroness. The lady’s not for turning. Guardian News and Media, 2007.