received her first education at home, where her grandmother
taught her to read using the method of Reading without Tears (a book by Favell Lee Bevan, later Mrs Mortimer
), whereby whole words were...
Muriel Box
early learned to read for herself (with some help from Reading Without Tears, a mid-Victorian textbook by Favell Lee Bevan, later Mrs Mortimer
) because her parents were often too busy to satisfy...
Susan Tweedsmuir
She was, however, always reading as a child: she and her sister had few books, but knew by heart whole chapters of the ones they did have. As a child Susan hated Mrs Mortimer
Anne Ridler
Her education began with her mother and a governess. At six she began attending a class run by the sister of another Rugby master. Later came visits to a piano teacher, and at home a...
Winifred Peck
The young Knoxes had three governesses in two years, which later made WP
feel guilty as she imagined these women weeping at night over the children's unruliness or the jealousy of the family nanny. Meanwhile...