Maxwell Armfield

Standard Name: Armfield, Maxwell


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Dedications Constance Smedley
Stanley Unwin 's wife read the manuscript and told her husband that he had got to publish the novel for the sake of its ideas. (Unwin was an internationally-minded pacifist.) The firm signed a contract...
Education Constance Smedley
After this she became a star student
Brockington, Grace. “&A World Fellowship&: The Founding of the International Lyceum Club for Women Artists and Writers”. Lyceum Club.
at the Birmingham School of Art, an even more exciting arena for adventure.
Smedley, Constance, and Maxwell Armfield. Crusaders. Chatto & Windus, 1912, x, 416 pp.
Again her memoirs lovingly enumerate the names of her teachers, fellow-students (divided...
Family and Intimate relationships Constance Smedley
Her husband, Maxwell Armfield , outlived her by thirty-one years (to die on 23 January 1972). He later said that his mature style dated from the time of his wife's death. He left many self-portraits...
Family and Intimate relationships Constance Smedley
CS married Maxwell Ashby Armfield , a painter, book illustrator, and poet, later a theosophist.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
under Smedley, under Armfield
Friends, Associates Gladys Henrietta Schütze
During the Schützes' pacifist years it was only gradually that they began to find some support from like-minded people, like Bertrand Russell and Ramsay MacDonald (though GHS felt the latter was a fair-weather pacifist), and...
Intertextuality and Influence Ann Jellicoe
The year 1974 marks a turning point in AJ 's writing career, beginning a second phase which proved just as significant as the first.. Soon after moving with her family from London to Lyme Regis...
Literary responses Vernon Lee
Lee's publication was panned in the Times Literary Supplement, but found strong support from Desmond MacCarthy , writing as Affable Hawk in the New Statesman, and from G. B. Shaw in the Nation...
Literary Setting Constance Smedley
CS defined the theme of this novel as the gulf between English and American attitudes to the law. Law, she wrote, was respected in England but seen in the USA as merely a convenience or...
Occupation Constance Smedley
Back in London they saw at the Little Theatre run by dancing teacher Margaret Morristhe drama of our dreams: voice and movement and picture accurately synthesized.
Smedley, Constance, and Maxwell Armfield. Crusaders. Chatto & Windus, 1912, x, 416 pp.
They then founded the radical, avant-garde Greenleaf Theatre
Occupation Constance Smedley
The Cotswold Players , a small group of theatrically accomplished amateurs, was conceived at a meeting in the house of CS and Maxwell Armfield in Rodborough, to bring plays by Smedley and others to rural audiences.
“About Us. History”. The Cotswold Players.
Publishing Constance Smedley
CS (using her birth name) and her husband, Maxwell Armfield (as illustrator), returned to the formula of their Wonder Tales of the World for another collection of folk stories for children, Tales from Timbuktu...
Publishing Constance Smedley
Maxwell Armfield 's frontispiece to Commoners' Rights, 1912, shows Chippingdun, the book's fictional version of Minchinhampton. His later illustrations also show the town or its beautiful surroundings. The work is dedicated to...
Publishing Constance Smedley
Sylvia's Travels, 1911, another children's book, illustrated by her husband and dedicated to Mimi Clementi , was Smedley's own favourite.
Smedley, Constance, and Maxwell Armfield. Crusaders. Chatto & Windus, 1912, x, 416 pp.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.
Smedley, Constance, and Maxwell Armfield. Sylvia’s Travels. J. M. Dent, 1911.
Publishing Constance Smedley
This began as a series of articles in The Christian Science Monitor while CS was living with her husband in New York.
Bowe, Nicola Gordon. “Constance and Maxwell Armfield: An American Interlude 1915-1922”. The Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts, Vol.
, 1 Sept.–30 Nov. 1989, pp. 6-27.
The UCLA copy of the resulting book, digitized and available through...
Publishing Constance Smedley
Also in 1934, on 29 March, CS had written to The Times, with her husband and six others, to propose that an oak-tree should be planted and conserved in every English sea-port in memory...


No timeline events available.


Smedley, Constance, and Maxwell Armfield. Crusaders. Chatto & Windus, 1912, x, 416 pp.
Smedley, Constance, and Maxwell Armfield. Sylvia’s Travels. J. M. Dent, 1911.
Smedley, Constance, and Maxwell Armfield. Tales from Timbuktu. Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1923.
Smedley, Constance, and Maxwell Armfield. The Armfields’ Animal-Book. Duckworth & Co., 1922.
Lee, Vernon, and Maxwell Armfield. The Ballet of the Nations. Chatto and Windus, 1915.
Smedley, Constance, and Maxwell Armfield. The Flower Book. Chatto and Windus, 1910.