Vusumzi Make

Standard Name: Make, Vusumzi


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Maya Angelou
In 1961 MA embarked on another significant relationship when she fell in love with Vusumzi Make , a Black South African freedom fighter.
Innes, Lyn. “Maya Angelou Obituary”. The Guardian, 28 May 2014.
She met him when she was engaged to an American bail bondsman...
Family and Intimate relationships Maya Angelou
For years MA 's relationship with Vusumzi Make survived their widely different social opinions and expectations, including the infidelity on his part which, she told him, would one day cause her to leave him. What...
Residence Maya Angelou
MA lived with Vusumzi Make in New York in an apartment on Central Park West; their life there ended when the sheriff (equivalent to bailiffs in Britain) came to evict them for unpaid bills...
Textual Features Maya Angelou
Chapter one opens on MA 's ambition to become a writer: her first beginnings, her move to New York, her joining the Harlem Writers Guild , the terrifying experience of her first reading to...
Travel Maya Angelou
Her next travel, in very different style, was to London with Vusumzi Make when he attended a Pan-African Congress meeting there.
Angelou, Maya. The Collected Autobiographies of Maya Angelou. Random House, 2004.
Violence Maya Angelou
As Make 's wifeMA was subject to harassment by the South African police: anonymous threatening phone calls, and on one awful occasion a call—a complete fabrication—telling her that her son was in hospital after...


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