Renée Vivien

Standard Name: Vivien, Renée
Used Form: Rene Vivien
Used Form: Pauline Tarn


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Anthologization Colette
Colette issued in volume form, through Flammarion , her novel La Naissance du Jour: Roman; that month her Renée Vivien appeared in a little collection, Les Amis d'Edouard (that is, of writer and...
death Natalie Clifford Barney
She was buried near Renée Vivien at the Passy Cemetery.
Wickes, George. The Amazon of Letters: The Life and Loves of Natalie Barney. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1976.
In accordance with her wishes, the word écrivain
Chalon, Jean, and Natalie Clifford Barney. “Note”. Un panier de framboises, Mercure de France, 1979, pp. 41-3.
(meaning writer, implicitly male) was inscribed on her tombstone.
Family and Intimate relationships Natalie Clifford Barney
NCB learned that her former lover, Renée Vivien , had committed suicide, aged only just past thirty.
Chalon, Jean. Portrait of a Seductress: The World of Natalie Barney. Translator Barko, Carol, Crown, 1979.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
Family and Intimate relationships Natalie Clifford Barney
NCB 's relationship with poet Renée Vivien , though brief, made a deep and lasting impression on Barney. Vivien was a pseudonym for Pauline Tarn , an English poet and prose writer who wrote primarily...
Fictionalization Natalie Clifford Barney
NCB has been a magnet for biographers (recently as the subject with Romaine Brooks of Diana Souhami 's Wild Girls in 2004 and as a minor character in Joan Schenkar 's Truly Wilde: the Unsettling...
Intertextuality and Influence Brigid Brophy
One of the twelve sections is no more fifty words. The novel's decadent style inhabits the minds of several characters, particularly that of the tall, fragile, perpetually exhausted but secretly sexually voracious Antonia Mount. Her...
Literary responses Sappho
This inspired, among others, Amy Levy ,
Gubar, Susan. “Multiple personality”. Women’s Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 12, Sept. 2001, pp. 13-14.
Michael Field , Natalie Barney , Renée Vivien , and Colette .
Textual Features Natalie Clifford Barney
Based on NCB 's relationship with Renée Vivien , the narrative is a passionate exploration of love for a woman: My love is a selfish, glorious, god-like thing. It is very theatrical. It is very...
Textual Features Natalie Clifford Barney
Like her earlier novels, this one seems to be partly based on her relationship with Renée Vivien , who committed suicide twenty years before it was published. The story is told from the point of...
Textual Production Natalie Clifford Barney
NCB completed another work inspired by her relationship with Renée Vivien , Je me souviens. It was published anonymously in 1910, after Vivien's death.
Causse, Michèle. Berthe ou un demi-siècle auprès de l’Amazone. Tierce, 1980.
Wickes, George. The Amazon of Letters: The Life and Loves of Natalie Barney. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1976.
65, 112
Textual Production Anna Livia
In this text Minnie and her family return somewhat changed. While all of Minnie's relatives have taken male lovers (all named John, perhaps in honour of the name by which Radclyffe Hall liked to be...
Textual Production Anna Livia
Anna Livia contributed entries on Natalie Barney and Elana Dykewomon to The Gay and Lesbian Literary Heritage (1994), as well as entries for Bonnie Zimmerman 's Lesbian Histories and Cultures: An Encyclopedia (2000) on Natalie Barney
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Natalie Clifford Barney
The first half, devoted to men, describes NCB 's encounters with Oscar Wilde , Anatole France , Remy de Gourmont , Marcel Proust , Gabriele D'Annunzio , Max Jacob , and others. The second part...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Natalie Clifford Barney
In the preface, NCB comments that she has never written anything that was not inspired by love or intimacy.
Barney, Natalie Clifford. Souvenirs indiscrets. Flammarion, 1960.
The volume contains a long piece on Renée Vivien , and shorter, intimate sketches (...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Colette
Colette imagines the Ladies of Llangollen (Lady Eleanor Butler and Sarah Ponsonby , born during the eighteenth century) living among twentieth-century accoutrements like cars, cigarettes, and crossword puzzles.
Mavor, Elizabeth. The Ladies of Llangollen. Penguin, 1973.
They move in the same...


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