Langston Hughes

Standard Name: Hughes, Langston


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Anthologization Alice Walker
AW first reached print (outside highschool or college publications) with the story To Hell With Dying, which Langston Hughes included when he edited The Best Short Stories by Negro Writers.
White, Evelyn. Alice Walker. A Life. Norton, 2004.
Education Maya Angelou
Marguerite Johnson had already become a voracious reader, both of Black writers and of canonical dead white males. Shakespeare , she wrote later, was my first white love.
Angelou, Maya. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Heinemann New Windmill Series, 1995.
She also enjoyed and respected...
Friends, Associates Zora Neale Hurston
Mason was also the patron of Langston Hughes , Louise Thompson , and others. ZNH 's friends, both black and white, and many of them influential in various ways, also included Carl Van Vechten and...
Intertextuality and Influence Una Marson
In the year leading up to this publication, UM was reading (mostly male) African-American writers—Booker T. Washington , James Weldon Johnson , and W. E. B. Du Bois—and taking an intense interest in...
Occupation Alice Walker
Among AW 's many lecturing engagements was one at Spelman College where she spoke on oppressed hair, that is black hair artificially straightened. She established there an annual Zora Neale Hurston -Langston Hughes Award...
Reception Una Marson
UM began during her lifetime to receive some recognition for her literary achievements (apart from reviews). In 1956 the Jamaican poet Clare McFarlane devoted a chapter to her in A Literature in the Making...
Textual Features Adrienne Rich
As in other texts, Rich's concerns here are significantly though not exclusively feminist. The first poem in the book, Orion, addresses the well-known hunter constellation as my fierce half-brother: he burns for all...
Textual Features Zora Neale Hurston
Of this book Hurston observed to Langston Hughes that she had aimed to depict a black preacher who was neither a joke nor a Puritan ram-rod, but a human being and poet, as he...
Textual Production Nancy Cunard
The original book was 855 pages long; it measured twelve inches by ten and half; it was two inches thick; it weighed eight pounds. The title, NEGRO, ran diagonally in large red capitals across...
Textual Production Zoë Fairbairns
The preface says that the volume does not pretend to offer answers or solutions. Nor does it attempt to promote a particular political position.
Ebersole, Lucinda, and Richard Peabody. “Preface”. Coming to Terms: A Literary Response to Abortion, edited by Lucinda Ebersole and Richard Peabody, The New Press, 1994, p. xiii - xiv.
It includes a diverse array of writers including Alice Walker
Textual Production Alice Walker
AW published Langston Hughes , American Poet, a biography designed to make children acquainted with an African-American literary hero.
White, Evelyn. Alice Walker. A Life. Norton, 2004.
Textual Production Bessie Head
BH 's eight letters to Langston Hughes , dated 1960-1 (early in her career), were printed in 2010, with an introduction, in Research in African Literatures. In 1991 Randolph Vigne edited and published in...
Textual Production Zora Neale Hurston
ZNH and Langston Hughes composed the play Mule Bone: A Comedy of Negro Life in Three Acts. It was published by HarperPerennial in 1991.
Contemporary Authors: New Revision Series. Gale Research, 1981–2025, Numerous volumes.


No timeline events available.


Hurston, Zora Neale, and Langston Hughes. Mule Bone. HarperPerennial, 1991.