Joanna Labon

Standard Name: Labon, Joanna


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Occupation Storm Jameson
SJ 's work on behalf of the imprisoned and the exiled required her to spend an immense amount of time and energy in diverse literary, social, and political circles. Joanna Labon asserts that [u]nder Jameson's...
politics Storm Jameson
As critic Joanna Labon observes, SJdefined herself by war and lived much of her life in angry opposition to it.
Labon, Joanna. “Tracing Storm Jameson”. Women: A Cultural Review, Vol.
, No. 1, 1997, pp. 33-47.
Though Jameson undertook most of her activism during the 1930s and 1940s, her...
Reception Storm Jameson
SJ was offered the award of CBE in 1979, but declined.
“The Refuseniks and the Offers They Turned Down”. Sunday Times, 21 Dec. 2003, p. 5.
Her books sold well in their time and were translated into Czech, Danish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Spanish, and Swedish. Virago re-issued...
Textual Features Storm Jameson
This volume contains Jameson's previously-written polemics City to Let—Berlin 1932, The Youngest Brother, The Defence of Freedom, and Documents.
Labon, Joanna. “Tracing Storm Jameson”. Women: A Cultural Review, Vol.
, No. 1, 1997, pp. 33-47.
36, 39-40
This last, which had appeared in Fact in July...
Textual Features Storm Jameson
SJ recorded conversations, events, and other details in her journals for many years. She then frequently interpolated elements of her own life and of the cultural turnings of her time into her creative writing. As...


No timeline events available.


Labon, Joanna. “Tracing Storm Jameson”. Women: A Cultural Review, Vol.
, No. 1, 1997, pp. 33-47.