William Gaskell

Standard Name: Gaskell, William,, 1805 - 1884


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Hesba Stretton
As an adult HS abandoned her mother 's strict Methodism and became an incurable sermon-taster. She favoured several denominations at the extreme of Protestantism. During the twelve-year period recorded in her Log Books only three...
Education Mary Louisa Molesworth
In Manchester she was tutored by the Rev. William Gaskell , husband of the novelist.
Green, Roger Lancelyn. Mrs. Molesworth. Bodley Head, 1961.
Family and Intimate relationships Elizabeth Gaskell
Elizabeth Cleghorn Stevenson married the Rev. William Gaskell at St John's Parish Church in Knutsford, Cheshire.
Despite being Unitarians, they married in an Anglican church since dissenters could not legally marry in their own...
Friends, Associates Beatrix Potter
Friends constituted another bright spot in her life. One early mentor was the Rev. William Gaskell , whose death in June 1884 was the occasion of moralising in her journal about loss and change.
Grinstein, Alexander. The Remarkable Beatrix Potter. International Universities Press, 1995.
Friends, Associates Jane Welsh Carlyle
Some time after 1835 the Carlyles met Harriet Martineau . While Martineau took to Thomas, she found Jane coquettish and disliked her tendency to interrupt abstract philosophical conversations with little jokes & wanting notice.
qtd. in
Skabarnicki, Anne M. “Two Faces of Eve: The Literary Personae of Harriet Martineau and Jane Welsh Carlyle”. The Carlyle Annual, Vol.
, 1990, pp. 15-30.
Occupation Lucy Toulmin Smith
Manchester College (now Harris Manchester College ) had a long and distinguished history as a Dissenting institution (including spells at York and London) before it moved to Oxford in 1889 and into new buildings...
Occupation Elizabeth Gaskell
EG and her husband William were heavily involved in relief work amongst the working classes of Manchester during the recession of the early 1840's.
Uglow, Jennifer S. Elizabeth Gaskell: A Habit of Stories. Faber and Faber, 1993.
Publishing Elizabeth Gaskell
EG and her husband collaborated on a poem, Sketches among the Poor, No. 1, which appeared in Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine in January 1837.
Uglow, Jennifer S. Elizabeth Gaskell: A Habit of Stories. Faber and Faber, 1993.
101, 617
Publishing Elizabeth Gaskell
She was to receive threepence per copy sold. This was instead of either of the usual two alternatives: outright sale of copyright or joint-profit arrangements. Payment by royalty was already by then established practice in...
Reception Elizabeth Gaskell
EG herself was abroad, and the crisis was handled by her husband , her friend and lawyer William Shaen , and George Smith . A formal letter of apology was sent to the solicitors of...
Travel Elizabeth Gaskell
EG , along with her husband and their daughter Marianne , visited Paris; there she met Scottish hostess Mary Clarke Mohl , whose salons were at the hub of French political and literary life.
Uglow, Jennifer S. Elizabeth Gaskell: A Habit of Stories. Faber and Faber, 1993.
Uglow, Jennifer S. Elizabeth Gaskell: A Habit of Stories. Faber and Faber, 1993.
Travel Elizabeth Gaskell
Elizabeth spent the next two winters visiting the prominent dissenting minister William Turner , and other family relatives and connections, in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. While staying with Turner's daughter Mary Robberds in Manchester, she met...


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