Richard Strauss

Standard Name: Strauss, Richard


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Viola Tree
Shortly after her performance as Eurydice, VT moved to Italy to continue her operatic training. She arrived about 5 September 1910 in Milan, where she studied, with intermittent visits to England, until autumn...
Performance of text Oscar Wilde
The first performance was heard at Covent Garden of the English opera written by Richard Strauss to the text of OW 's Salome.
Tydeman, William, and Steven Price. Wilde—Salome. Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Textual Features E. Nesbit
Salome and the Head deals quite revealingly with female sexual experience. It is set at Yalding on the Medway. Sandra, its heroine, a dancer famous for her rendering of Wilde 's Salome (to Strauss


1907: The London County Council banned stage tableaus...

Building item


The London County Council banned stage tableaus or living pictures (erotic in content), and in their place the Palace Theatre engaged Maud Allan as a solo dancer.
Walkowitz, Judith R. “Women Writing / Women Performing in the Imperial Metropolis”. Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century British Women Writers Conference, Lawrence, KS, 17 Mar. 2001.

25 January 1909: Hugo von Hoffmansthal's first opera, Elektra,...

Writing climate item

25 January 1909

Hugo von Hoffmansthal 's first opera, Elektra, with music by Richard Strauss , opened in Dresden.
Brockway, Wallace, and Herbert Weinstock. The World of Opera. Methuen, 1963.

19 February 1910: The opera Elektra by Richard Strauss was...

Building item

19 February 1910

The opera Elektra by Richard Strauss was first performed in London: at Covent Garden , conducted by Thomas Beecham .
Drogheda, Charles Garrett Ponsonby Moore, Earl of et al. The Covent Garden Album: 250 Years of Theatre, Opera, and Ballet. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981.

1949: Richard Strauss's opera Salome, to words...

Building item


Richard Strauss 's opera Salome, to words by Oscar Wilde , was performed at Covent Garden, produced by Peter Brook with sets by Salvador Dali .
Drogheda, Charles Garrett Ponsonby Moore, Earl of et al. The Covent Garden Album: 250 Years of Theatre, Opera, and Ballet. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981.
Harewood, George Henry Hubert Lascelles, Earl of, editor. Kobbé’s Complete Opera Book. 10th ed., Bodley Head, 1987.


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