Once the Munshi was raised to this level, QV
had to struggle against courtiers who objected to his inclusion in activities of the royal household, to the point of refusing to acknowledge him. Their racism...
Family and Intimate relationships
Edward Robert Bulwer Lytton first Earl Lytton
On 4 October 1864 Edward Robert Bulwer Lytton
married Edith Villiers
, who had a yearly income of £6,000. Together they had three daughters and four sons. After her husband's death, Edith fell into financial...
Family and Intimate relationships
Constance Lytton
's mother, born Edith Villiers
, was an aristocratic heiress who published the successful Lady Lytton's Court Diary, 1895-1899, after a court position had been found, in June 1895,
Lytton, Constance. Letters of Constance Lytton. Editor Balfour, Elizabeth Edith, Countess of, Heinemann, 1925.
to save her...
Emily Lawless
BirthName: Emily LawlessThe Hon. Emily Lawless
Pseudonyms: Henry Harvey; John Oliver Maddox, M.A.
Both Henry Harvey and John Oliver Maddox, M.A. were pseudonyms Lawless used in her With Essex in Ireland.