John Churchill first Duke of Marlborough

Standard Name: Marlborough, John Churchill,,, first Duke of


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Catharine Trotter
Manley made fairly unlikely allegations that CT had affairs with John Tilly (she calls them, after fictional characters, Calista and Cleander),
CT had been called called Calista in The Female Wits; Cleander was...
Family and Intimate relationships Sarah Lady Piers
SLP 's husband, whom she married in about 1694, was Sir George Piers , whose family origins lay in Sussex but whose estate was at Stonepit or Stonepitts in Kent.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
“FamilySearch Internet Genealogy Service”. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
He became Clerk of...
Intertextuality and Influence Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
Docile her longest work of prose fiction, is also autobiographical in its scarifying yet comic account of the naive and idealistic Docile's repeated victimisation. Endowed with perfect docility as a fairy gift, educated first by...
Literary Setting Eliza Haywood
EH 's preface to this epistolary novel presents herself as the (plural) Editors of actual letters. Her hero's name (Colonel Horatio M——s or Manners) and descent (from the late Duke of R—l—d) tie him and...
Literary Setting Delarivier Manley
The lengthy title glosses the fictional setting, which is that of the wars called the Duke of Marlborough 's. The lady has purportedly had [t]aken from her by a French Privateer in her Passage to...
politics Mary Countess Cowper
The Whig party underwent various travails during MCC 's time in politics. In December 1716 and April 1717, when Lord Townshend (brother-in-law of Robert Walpole ) was dismissed first from one and then from another...
Textual Features Elizabeth Boyd
EB 's preface alludes to Steele'sTatler, and calls the slow, sure Snail . . . the well-meant, altho' weak Attempt of a mere Woman.
Boyd, Elizabeth. The Snail. 1745.
After an introductory poem, her basic unit for...
Textual Features Delarivier Manley
Queen Zarah purports to be translated, not from French but from Italian. In it England is Albigion. The critical preface is in fact a translation of part of Morvan de Bellegarde 's Lettres curieuses...
Textual Features Delarivier Manley
The New Atalantis is crammed with offensive personal attacks on individuals (women as well as men); most though not all of them pertain to the misuse of political or sexual power. Particularly notorious is the...
Textual Production Penelope Aubin
The following year (1708), PA published two more poems in praise of the Queen and her ministers: The Extasy: A Pindarick Ode to Her Majesty the Queen and The Wellcome: A Poem, to His Grace...
Textual Production Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
Throughout the 1720 LMWM regularly responded in poetry to events in her social circle. She wrote on an alleged incident of attempted rape; on the deaths of the Duke of Marlborough , William Congreve ...
Textual Production Sarah Fyge
SF wrote a verse address to the Duke of Marlborough , which seems not to have been printed.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
Textual Production Catharine Trotter
CT published A Poem on His Grace the Duke of Marlborough 's return from his German Expedition.
Foxon, David F. English Verse 1701-1750. Cambridge University Press, 1975, 2 vols.
Textual Production Catharine Trotter
CT published On His Grace the Duke of Marlborough , A Poem, this time celebrating his victory of Ramillies in present-day Belgium on 12 May Old Style (23 May New Style) this year.
Foxon, David F. English Verse 1701-1750. Cambridge University Press, 1975, 2 vols.
Textual Production Catharine Trotter
She had been working on it for two years, and saw it as an attempt to reform the stage.
Clark, Constance. Three Augustan Women Playwrights. Peter Lang, 1986.
49, 61
Congreve sent her detailed suggestions for revision, which sought to improve not her literary...


4 May 1702: England declared war on France in the War...

National or international item

4 May 1702

England declared war on France in the War of Spanish Succession.
Steinberg, Sigfrid Henry. Historical Tables: 58 BC-AD 1985. 11th ed., Garland Publishing, 1986.

13 August 1704: Marlborough and Prince Eugene wiped out the...

National or international item

13 August 1704

Marlborough and Prince Eugene wiped out the French army at Blenheim in Bavaria.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2024, 22 vols. plus supplements.

14 December 1704: Joseph Addison published The Campaign, a...

Writing climate item

14 December 1704

Joseph Addison published The Campaign, a patriotic poem celebrating Marlborough 's victory of Blenheim.
Foxon, David F. English Verse 1701-1750. Cambridge University Press, 1975, 2 vols.

2 April 1705: Bernard Mandeville published The Grumbling...

Writing climate item

2 April 1705

Bernard Mandeville published The Grumbling Hive (later expanded as The Fable of the Bees).
McKee, Francis. “Early Criticism of ’The Grumbling Hive’”. Notes and Queries, Vol.
, June 1988, pp. 176-7.

9 June 1705 : John Vanbrugh was officially appointed architect,...

Building item

9 June 1705

John Vanbrugh was officially appointed architect, with the assistance of Nicholas Hawksmoor , to build Blenheim Palace at Woodstock in Oxfordshire as a national thank-offering to the Duke of Marlborough .
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
under Vanbrugh

11 September 1709: In a year of difficult military conditions...

National or international item

11 September 1709

In a year of difficult military conditions and friction among members of the anti-French alliance, the Duke of Marlborough won a much trumpeted but in fact somewhat inconclusive victory near the village of Malplaquet.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.

18 January 1711: Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, brought her...

National or international item

18 January 1711

Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough , brought her trial of wills with Queen Anne to an end by indignantly returning her key of office.
Harris, Frances. A Passion for Government: The life of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough. Clarendon, 1991.
177-8, 186-7

17 November 1711: The Duke of Marlborough landed in England...

National or international item

17 November 1711

The Duke of Marlborough landed in England after what proved to be his last military campaign.
Harris, Frances. A Passion for Government: The life of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough. Clarendon, 1991.

31 December 1711: The Duke of Marlborough was dismissed from...

National or international item

31 December 1711

The Duke of Marlborough was dismissed from all his posts.
Harris, Frances. A Passion for Government: The life of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough. Clarendon, 1991.
178, 186-7

Late 1739: There was published, bearing the date of...

Women writers item

Late 1739

There was published, bearing the date of 1740, The Life and Adventures of Mrs. Christian Davies , commonly call'd Mother Ross. Taken from her own mouth, the story of a woman cross-dressing to be a soldier.
English Short Title Catalogue.
Easton, Fraser. “Plebeianizing the Female Soldier”. Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (CSECS) Conference, St John’s, Newfoundland, 15 Oct. 2010.


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