Julia Ward Howe

Standard Name: Howe, Julia Ward
Birth Name: Julia Ward
JWH , nineteenth-century American woman of letters, is chiefly remembered for having composed The Battle-Hymn of the Republic, and for her highly popular lecture tours. She also published poetry, travel writings, journalism including powerful support for women's suffrage and other kinds of rights, biography, and memoirs.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Mary Carpenter
In BostonMC met Julia Ward Howe and Lucretia Mott . At Howard College she was introduced by Frederick Douglass , an old friend.
Carpenter, J. Estlin. The Life and Work of Mary Carpenter. 2nd ed., MacMillan and Co., 1881.
330-1, 323
Friends, Associates Margaret Fuller
Through her Conversations MF both benefited and formed friendships with a number of remarkable women: Elizabeth Cady Stanton , Lydia Maria Child , and Elizabeth Palmer Peabody .
Marshall, Megan. “Let Them Be Sea-Captains”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 22, 15 Nov. 2007, pp. 16-18.
She also encouraged the literary ambitions...
Friends, Associates Anna Leonowens
In 1872 AL met John Paine , a wealthy older man with an interest in literature and a fan of her writing. Through Paine she was introduced to the elite of the New York arts...
Literary responses Margaret Fuller
The memoir of MF 's life which appeared (edited by Emerson and others) the year after her death aroused interest from such people as George Eliot and Henry Crabb Robinson . Robinson observed that no...
Occupation Constance Smedley
This building (just vacated by the Imperial Service Club was later exchanged for an even more spacious one at 138 Piccadilly. The London press in general warmly backed the new venture.
Smedley, Constance, and Maxwell Armfield. Crusaders. Chatto & Windus, 1912, x, 416 pp.
67-9 and n
politics Emily Faithfull
The central concern of this society was educational and industrial reform; papers presented and discussed at the VDS meetings dealt not only with every aspect of women's work but also with sundry political, social and...
politics Maria Grey
Also known as the Women's Education Union, this organization was inaugurated at the Royal Society of Arts, with Lord Lyttelton as the chair. MG was elected the first chair, but declined that position in...
Textual Production Harriet Beecher Stowe
Though HBS was internationally recognized for her written works she was not, unlike many other contemporary literary figures, a frequent lecturer. While Dickens , Samuel Clemens (who published as Mark Twain), Julia Ward Howe ...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Jane Francesca Lady Wilde
Irish Leaders and Martyrs, an interesting study in intellectual leadership, touches on the power of writing such as ballads, but does not discuss any women. American Women is an insightful study of historical and...
Travel Annie Besant
AB attended the Chicago World's Fair (where other speakers included Susan B. Anthony and Julia Ward Howe ) as Theosophist Henry Steele Olcott 's representative at the Chicago Parliament of Religions.
Taylor, Anne, 1932 -. Annie Besant: A Biography. Oxford University Press, 1992.


Late July 1889: The trial began in Liverpool of American...

Building item

Late July 1889

The trial began in Liverpool of American Florence Maybrick on a charge of poisoning her English husband with arsenic.
Hartman, Mary S. Victorian Murderesses. Schocken Books, 1977.

May 1923: Mother's Day, celebrated in the USA since...

Building item

May 1923

Mother's Day, celebrated in the USA since 1908 on the second Sunday in May, was first observed in Europe on that date. It has co-existed for nearly a century with Mothering Sunday in Britain (the...

14 March 1939: John Steinbeck caused a sensation with his...

Writing climate item

14 March 1939

John Steinbeck caused a sensation with his novel The Grapes of Wrath, about the hardships and exploitation visited on a family displaced from their Oklahoma farm to California by dust-bowl conditions.
“Victims of Mammon”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 1962, 9 Sept. 1939, p. 525.
Borne Back Daily. 2001, http://borneback.com/ .
14 March 2008


Howe, Julia Ward. At Sunset. Houghton Mifflin, 1910.
Howe, Julia Ward, and Margaret Fuller. “Introduction”. Love-Letters of Margaret Fuller: 1845-1846, D. Appleton, 1903, p. v - xii.
Howe, Julia Ward. Is Polite Society Polite? And Other Essays. Lamson, Wolffe, 1895.
Howe, Julia Ward. Later Lyrics. J. E. Tilton, 1866.
Howe, Julia Ward. Margaret Fuller (Marchesa Ossoli). Roberts Bros., 1883.
Howe, Julia Ward. Passion Flowers. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1854.
Howe, Julia Ward. Reminiscences, 1819–1899. Houghton Mifflin, 1899.
Howe, Julia Ward. “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”. Atlantic Monthly, Vol.
, No. 52, Atlantic Monthly Press, p. 10.
Howe, Julia Ward. “The Industrial Value of Women”. North American Review, Vol.
, No. 312, pp. 433-46.