Flora Stark

Standard Name: Stark, Flora


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Cultural formation Freya Stark
At the same time, Stark's feelings about her personal life shifted, at least temporarily. Her mother had often pressured her to marry: as she now wrote to Venetia Buddicom : I used to feel that...
Family and Intimate relationships Freya Stark
FS 's mother Flora Stark was known as an indomitable personality, and had a profound effect on the development of her daughter's identity. She was the daughter of Madeleine and William Stark , and lived...
Friends, Associates Freya Stark
In mid-1923, Viva Jeyes introduced Freya and Flora Stark to the Buddicom family, who owned property near La Mortola. Freya then began a close friendship with Venetia Buddicom , travelled with her soon after this...
politics Freya Stark
FS learned that because of her anti-Fascist activities in Yemen, the Italian government had arrested her mother, Flora Stark , then seventy-nine, along with her godfather, eighty-nine year old Herbert Young .
Geniesse, Jane Fletcher. Passionate Nomad. Random House, 1999.
Textual Production Freya Stark
Flora Stark 's World War II prison memoir, An Italian Diary, was issued posthumously with a foreword by her daughter FS , through John Murray , Freya's longtime publisher.
Geniesse, Jane Fletcher. Passionate Nomad. Random House, 1999.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, http://www.oclc.org/firstsearch/content/worldcat/. Accessed 1999.
Textual Production Freya Stark
The volume of letters, written in 1928 to the author's mother Flora Stark , was edited and introduced by FS 's friend Sir Sydney Cockerell .
Geniesse, Jane Fletcher. Passionate Nomad. Random House, 1999.


No timeline events available.


Stark, Flora, and Freya Stark. An Italian Diary. J. Murray, 1945.