Karen Gershon

Standard Name: Gershon, Karen
Birth Name: Kaethe Loewenthal
Married Name: Kaethe Dampf
Pseudonym: Karen Gershon
Married Name: Kaethe Tripp
Primarily a poet, and by force of circumstances a poet of the Holocaust and the Kindertransport, KG also published collective biography, autobiography, social history, novels, and translation.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary responses Seamus Heaney
The TLS review, despite SH 's earlier appearance in the pages of that journal, appeared to think this was his first book, grouping it with debut works by Karen Gershon and Ruth Fainlight . The...
Literary Setting Anita Brookner
It centres on two men, of very different temperaments, who first came to London, and first became friends, as child refugees. Since both are called Thomas, they are known by their last names, Hartmann...
Textual Production Kathleen Nott
Lewis founded and ran this small private press, whose archive is now held by Reading University . Other poets in the Keepsake Chapbooks series included Karen Gershon and Anne Stevenson .
Textual Production Monica Furlong
This journal's first issue (with Ruth Fainlight as the only female contributor) had appeared in 1965. The other female contributors to this volume were Birk, Karen Gershon , and Pamela Melnikoff .
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, http://www.oclc.org/firstsearch/content/worldcat/. Accessed 1999.


By 1975: The popularity of autobiographies and novels...

Writing climate item

By 1975

The popularity of autobiographies and novels like Maxine Hong Kingston 's Woman Warrior and Rita Mae Brown 's Rubyfruit Jungle had opened a large and growing reading market for coming-of-age works by women writers from...


Gershon, Karen. A Lesser Child. P. Owen, 1994.
Ruppin, Arthur, and Moshe Dayan. Arthur Ruppin: Memoirs, Diaries, Letters. Editor Bein, Alex, Translator Gershon, Karen, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1971.
Gershon, Karen. Burn Helen. Harvester, 1980.
Gershon, Karen. Collected Poems. Papermac, 1990.
Gershon, Karen. Coming Back From Babylon. Gollancz, 1979.
Gershon, Karen, and Stella Tripp. Grace Notes. Poems. Happy Dragons Press, 2002.
Gershon, Karen. Legacies and Encounters. Gollancz, 1972.
Gershon, Karen. My Daughters, My Sisters. Gollancz, 1975.
Marcuse, Ludwig. Obscene. Translator Gershon, Karen, MacGibbon and Kee, 1965.
Gershon, Karen. “Old Hesse”. The Jew: Quest 2, edited by Alma Birk and Clive Labovitch, 1965, pp. 62-4.
Gershon, Karen, editor. Postscript. Gollancz, 1969.
Gershon, Karen. Selected Poems. Gollancz, 1966.
Gershon, Karen. The Bread of Exile. Gollancz, 1985.
Gershon, Karen. The Fifth Generation. Gollancz, 1987.
Gershon, Karen. “The Relentless Year”. New Poets, 1959, edited by Edwin Muir, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1959.
Gershon, Karen, editor. We Came as Children. Gollancz, 1966.