The Times claimed that Kathleeninstantly fixes the reader's attention, and that it was a better book than Raymond's Heroine, with a plot that was both well thought out and well written. The Standard...
Isabella Neil Harwood
Once again a source was identified: Samuel Warren
's Ten Thousand a Year was mentioned as a clear inspiration for INH
's plot. This reviewer, however, in the Pall Mall Gazette, found the book...
Textual Production
Catherine Gore
became a regular contributor to Blackwood's, recruited, as Margaret Oliphant
recorded, by Samuel Warren
. Oliphant noted her quickness to learn the going rate of remuneration for her several light articles.
qtd. in
Carson-Batchelor, Rhonda Lea. Margaret Oliphant: Gender, Identity, and Value in the Victorian Periodical Press. University of Alberta, 1998.